Nr. 1/2014GIUSEPPE GULLO Sul segreto professionale del giudice ecclesiastico in rapporto al procedimento penale italiano
Nr. 1/2014SALVATORE TARANTO La simbologia religiosa sul luogo di lavoro nella più recente giurisprudenza europea
Introduction - I Framework agreements, religious interests and cultural heritage - 1. Introductory remarks - 2. Laws approving agreements with minority religious confessions and cultural heritage pertaining to recognized religious traditions: the rules of principle - 2.1. It follows. The detailed rules - 3. Law no. 121 of 25 March 1985, Catholic Church and historical and artistic heritage: art. 12 and principle of collaboration - 3.1. It follows. Article 12 and derivative agreements - 3.2. It follows. Art. 12 and unilateral sector legislation - 4. Constitutional legality, cultural heritage and religious denominations. First conclusive findings - II. Collaboration principle and implementation process - 1.1. It follows. The Consolidated Act on cultural and environmental heritage of 1999. The art. 19 paragraph 1 - 1. The first application results: the 1996 Understanding on the cultural heritage of ecclesiastical belonging - 1.2. It follows. The art. 19 paragraph 2 - 1.3. It follows. Towards a new model of collaboration. The Agreement on archives and libraries of ecclesiastical belonging of 2000 - 2. Reform of the state legislation of the sector and religious social interests: the Code of cultural heritage and landscape of 2004 - 2.1. It follows. Art. 9 and new regulatory dynamics - 3. The pedagogical value of the state right of unilateral production and the Understanding on the cultural heritage of ecclesiastical belonging of 2005. The background - 3.1. It follows. The organizational arrangements - 3.2. It follows. The principles - 3.3. It follows. The constructive dialogue between unilateral production law and derivative negotiation law - 4. Concluding reflections. Principle of collaboration, crisis of governance and dominant church.