Nr. 1/2012GIOVANNI B. VARNIER Franco Bolognini: a studious in the academic tradition of the Universitas Maceratensis
Nr. 1/2012FRANCESCO ZANCHINI DI CASTIGLIONCHIO The primacy of the Bishop of Rome. Theological or canonistic question?
Table of contents
1. Introduction. Brief biographical recalls: cultural eclecticism and radical spirituality of man. Orestano's adhesion to Fascism - 2. The historical-political context of the gestation of Orestano's original thought - 3. The vagueness of conciliatorist intentions in the legal-ecclesiastical doctrine at the turn of the century - 4. Orestano's pre-concordat writings on law and ecclesiastical policy - 5. The wish for a concordat solution to the Roman Question in the 1924 monograph - 6. The legal writings of the concordat season. The yearning for the cultural Europeanism of peoples - 7. Conceptual position and philosophical tools of Orestano the 'ideologue' in the analysis 'by principles' of ecclesiastical law issues - 8. Concluding a portrait
Francesco Orestano; politics; religion; ecclesiastical law