Nr. 1/2010PATRICK VALDRINI La ricezione della legge nel diritto canonico. Pertinenza e significato
Nr. 1/2010CARMELA VENTRELLA MANCINI Diritto alle “identità” e profili interordinamentali: cambiamenti di status e certificazioni religiose
- Contextualization of Philippine royalty, its forms and its logic of self-assertion towards Rome, along the first quarter of the seventeenth century in Portugal. Uniformity and peculiarities of the Lusitanian legal system - 2. The tools of the prince: the maiestatic law of the new Ordenações Filippinas (1603) and the law of the royal charters; the law of the Courts of the Kingdom and the opinion of the doctrine - 3. Gradual recrudescence of Philip III's interventions towards the office of apostolic collector, halfway between a judge of the remains and a high official of papal diplomacy - 4. The progressive and inevitable decay of the relations between Philip IV and the apostolic collection - 5. The variables of the sovereign potestas towards the ecclesiastical jurisdiction, between the poles of royalty and royal patronage. Policy of compromise and accommodation: «queixas» and «duvidas» in the royal charters for the settlement of conflicts between forums - 6. Taxation of churches subject to the royal patronage, in case of vacancy. Outline for a more general economic and financial profile of the question - 8. Royal Caesaropapism. Unconditional affirmation of civil laws and sentences, by virtue of the unwritten primacy of the «Leis, costumes and estylos do Reino» - 9. Extensibility of the territorial-regalist principles to ultramarine sovereign possessions - 10. Appeal of cases to the civil courts of the Kingdom and distraction from Rome of «appellation» judgments - 11. Philippine regality on the inquisitorial tribunal, towards heinous crimes, economic claims and «christãos novos» -
Philip II - Spain and Portugal in 1600 - Ecclesiastical jurisdictional policy - Tribunal of the Inquisition