Nr. 2/2017MARCELLO TOSCANO Brief considerations de iure condendo on the relationship between unilateral and pactual legislation, starting from a hypothesis of marriage reform
Nr. 2/2017ILARIA ZUANAZZI Between spiritual and temporal: secularity in canon law and secular rights
1. Introduction - 2. The point of confrontation between theologian and canonist on the symbolic-ritual value of the sacraments - 3. The conciliar counter-proposal to post-modern materialism. Initiatic-social value of the sacraments, at once juridical "functions" and mystery "signs" of salvation - 4. The authentic, original and all-embracing meaning of the sacraments, spiritual signs of salvific encounter and metjuridical acts - 5. The hermeneutical method of Giuseppe Silvestre: the phenomenal-anthropological perspective on the sacraments. Points of contact with the ontological-sacramental plan adopted by the canonist - 6. The slow decline of Klaus Mörsdorf's personalist theory in post-conciliar canonist doctrines. The theological theme of personalism between Odo Casel and Edward Schillebeeckx - 7. A unitary doctrine on the sacraments? Symbolic and juridical profiles in the liberating-sacramental theology of Karl Rahner - 8. Convergences in the sacraments between the salvific end and the juridical function - 9. The dogmatic reference: the anthropological-functional ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council as a turning point and continuation of a path - 10. The suggestions of the theologian to the canonist in the juridical rereading of the sacraments - 11. Conclusions.
The contribution examines the theological proposal on the sacraments of Giuseppe Silvestre, which expresses a model of sacramental theology in line with the post-modern conciliar response
Sacramental theology; Bishop Giuseppe Silvestre