Nr. 1/2011SALVATORE PRISCO Le radici religiose dei diritti umani e i problemi attuali
Nr. 1/2011TIZIANA RAPISARDA I luoghi di culto e la confessione religiosa islamica. Pluralismo religioso e convivenza multiculturale
1. Introduction - 2. The «de-crystallization» of article 7 of the Italian Constitution, between the model of 1929 and 1984. The Second Vatican Council and the abjuration of the ius publicum ecclesiasticum externum - 3. The characteristics of the Agreements of Review of Villa Madama. The three contractual models and the affirmation of the Italian negotiating typology - 4. Constitutions and Concordats - 5. The emerging contractual model, the innovations accepted and the consolidated peculiarities. The «resistance clauses» - 6. Concluding critical points.