Nr. 1/2008STEFANO TESTA BAPPENHEIM In utroque iure: i Tribunali ecclesiastici e l’esimente ex art. 598 c.p.
Nr. 1/2008FABIO VECCHI Spunti critici attorno ai temi del «relativismo etico» in democrazia, del dialogo, e dei principi «non negoziabili» dalla Chiesa
Table of contents
1. Introduction. Foundations of banking origin, intermediary subjects of the "third sector" with statutory aims close to those pursued by religious bodies - 2. The functional relationship between "social freedoms" and religious freedom found in the statutory activity of banking foundations - 3. The reaffirmation of the identifying criteria of intermediary subjects and the space for the unconditional exercise of "social freedoms": the centrality of the individual - 4. The points of emphasis in the Constitutional Court's pronouncements nos. 300 and 301 of 24 September 2003 on banking foundations: overlap between purposes of religious interest and the institutional activities of the body. Intangibility of the private nature of banking foundations and statutory purposes - 5. Conclusions
Banking foundations; third sector; religious purposes; statutes