Nr. 1-2/2006STEFANO TESTA BAPPENHEIM La libertà religiosa nel periodo del Mandato Britannico in Palestina (1918-1948)
Nr. 1-2/2006FLAVIA PETRONCELLI HUBLER AA.VV., Symbolon/Diabolon. Simboli, religioni, diritti, nell’Europa multiculturale, (a cura di E. Dieni, A. Ferrari, V. Pacillo), Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005, pp. 325.
Table of contents
1. Introduction: a plane of enquiry extraneous to secularised models of marriage, but which imposes secularisation as a necessary term of comparison - 2. The comparison between "societas coniugalis" matrimonial models and the original cultural apparatuses - 3. Evolutionary dynamisms of the "societas coniugalis" in the ecclesial perspective (ontological and legal plane of marriage) and in the Islamic collective dimension ("umma"). The transversal influence of the historical datum on the legal constructions - 4. The irreconcilability of the canonical and sharaitic matrimonial models, which are alternative to each other and cannot be put together due to: 1) the sanctions resulting from an oath of belonging (iussum) common to both confessional orders; 2) the foundation of natural law which, through the centrality of the person, makes the canonical rule peculiar on the ethical-legal plane - 5. The "pastoral" of the conjugal relationship between a baptised person and a Muslim, from the pactum (punctual element of the celebration of the marriage-act) to the stable cohabitation (permanent element of the marriage-relationship), expressed in the Italian Bishops’ Conference's "Indications" - 6. Unlikely convergences between confessional marriage models. The expectations deriving from the secularisation of Islamic legal systems and the inverse phenomenon of the reception of Koranic precepts in Western state legal systems - 7. Current tendency of mutual interchange of marriage models between confessional and secular legal systems. Faithfulness to the metaphysical conception of canonical marriage, with respect to western state law and the purely exterior variables of Islamic state-confessional law
Cult inequality; marriage models; Islam; Italian Bishops' Conference