Nr. 1/2014DOMENICO BILOTTI Charles Péguy: un contributo insospettato al diritto canonico
Nr. 1/2014ANNA AMBROSINO La prova giudiziaria. Archeologia del procedimento probatorio nella ricostruzione giudiziaria della verità
1. Introduction. Jemolo's method and dogmatics on the issue of minor poverty. Refutation tools - 2. The Tridentine privilege on the faculty of possession in common: effects on the universe of religious regarding the clear delineation of the so-called "non-possessing orders". Outline - 3. The pontifical inquiries: documentary bases that contradict Jemolo's lax theses. The «Clementine» (1309) and «Innocentian» (1650) investigation and the concrete consequences on monastic and regular orders - 4. The reinvigoration of the doctrine of the «usus pauper» on the Capuchins and Friars Minor Observant and the distinction between property owners and non-owners - 5. The contradictory treatment reserved for the minor family by the civil authorities during the great Napoleonic "subversion" and in the subsequent Risorgimento legislative policy of the mid-19th century - 6. The archival bases that support a severe temperament Judgment of Jemolo. The economic balances and the restrictions of the suppressed Franciscan monasteries in Rome - 7. Conclusions.