Nr. 1/2009ANTONINO MANTINEO Antonio Guarino, La Chiesa e gli ordinamenti giuridici, Luigi Pellegrini Editore, Cosenza, 2008
Nr. 1/2018VINCENZO PACILLO Diritto canonico e migrazioni. Spunti di riflessione a partire dall’opera di Eugenio Corecco
In the context of the broader theme of religious building, the consistency assumed by the phenomenon of the disposal of Catholic buildings of worship no longer used and the related management problems, today increasingly recurrent, makes it necessary to deepen the awareness of its legal implications, the definition of whose boundaries appears, however, complicated by a continuous interweaving of rules produced by ecclesiastical authorities and rules produced by secular authorities. The same difficulty is also found in the study not only of these specific circumstances, but of almost each of the numerous profiles that combine to form the overall discipline reserved for such places, from which the individual aspects cannot be isolated for their full understanding. In the light of these considerations, the present contribution therefore proposes to carry out, without any claim to exhaustiveness, a general recognition of the many peculiarities of the legal status of Catholic churches, perpetually suspended between Canon law and State law. In this perspective, the research is developed following the various moments that make up the “life cycle” of a hypothetical sacred building, from its construction to its actual use up to its reduction to profane use, thus trying to highlight the interdisciplinary elements emerging from time to time and the reasons of interest offered by them.
Places of worship, Catholic church (sacred building), Designation to public worship, Relegation to profane but not sordid use