NEWS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA “A pink cake with blue frosting with no verse or imagery”: la Corte Suprema del Colorado al bivio tra libertà di coscienza e non discriminazione (Andrea Miccichè)
NEWSITALY The participation of civil and military authorities in religious processions as bearers of simulacra: the Note from the Diocesan Liturgical Office of 23 July 2024 of the Archdiocese of Amalfi -Cava de’ Tirreni (Fabio Balsamo)
The paper explores the growing interest of the financial system and the Catholic Church in an ethical and sustainable development model, highlighting a common ground between environmental protection and human well-being. The interaction between sustainable finance and the social doctrine of the Church is analyzed, emphasizing how both positively influence the construction of an economic model in which economic progress is harmonized with the preservation of the planet and human dignity.
Sustainability - ethical finance - inclusive economy - social doctrine of the Church - corporate social responsibility