Nr. 2/2020FABIO VECCHI PÉTER SZABÓ (a cura di), Primacy and Synodality. Deepening Insights, Proceedings of the 23th Congress of the Society for the Law of the Eastern Churches, Debrecen, September 3-8, 2017
Nr. 2/2020FABIO VECCHI Recensione a Matej Pavlič, L’insegnamento della religione nelle scuole pubbliche nei Paesi della ex Jugoslavia
In the current pandemic state the Catholic Church has worked to find ways and times of response to the Covid-19 emergency and, following the “signs of the times”, has adapted the forms of development of the munera ecclesiae, first of all the munus sanctificandi. In this context, the sacrament of penance is of central importance, as it highlights the inseparable link between the formal and the substantive aspects of law, particularly in an order that has flexibility tools capable of applying the equitas. The pandemic state made the sacrament of reconciliation even more necessary, stimulating the Church to recover ancient and exceptional forms of administration and at the same time to develop new ones, such as drive confession. By placing the emphasis on confession as “medicine of the soul” and, therefore, on the confessor as medicus animarum as well as iudex peccatorum, the Church has thus underlined that the salus animarum must always prevail.
Pandemic, confession, salus animarum