Nr. 2/2012PAOLO STEFANI Recensione a Antonello De Oto, Diritto e religione nell’Europa di mezzo. La Repubblica Ceca
Nr. 2/2012STEFANO TESTA BAPPENHEIM Recensione a C.M. Pettinato, I ‘Maestri di Würzburg’ e la costruzione del jus publicum ecclesiasticum nel secolo XVIII
Table of contents
1. Christian anthropology and imago Dei: the relationship between man and God - 2. John Paul II and the "anthropological question" in marriage - 3. The juridical-anthropological perspective of canonical marriage in the most recent papal addresses to the Roman Rota - 4. Judge and expert witness in the procedural economy: moral certainty and expertise as expressions of the juridical-anthropological dimension - 5. Concluding remarks
Christian anthropology; canonical marriage; John Paul II; Benedict XVI; pontifical addresses to the Roman