Nr. 1-2/2006SALVATORE PRISCO Intervento nella tavola rotonda di presentazione al volume “Il multiculturalismo nel dibattito boetico”, a cura di Lorenzo Chieffi
Nr. 1-2/2006ANNAMARIA RUFINO “Invarianza e differenza”: senso della temporalità ed esperienza storica
Table of contents
1. The secularity of legal systems as a field of renewed theoretical confrontation and as a sign of division in the contemporary debate - 2. An overview of individual profiles of the issue and a recent Italian survey on the subject: the new challenges for secularism in our country - 3. A note of method: the pluralism of values in the laboratory of History and the tasks of the jurist - 4. Historical-cultural presuppositions and ideal types of secularism - 5. From ideal types to concrete contexts. A specific case: the different historical-legal presuppositions of "French" and "Italian" secularity and the case of religious symbols in public schools - 6. From secularity that divides to secularity that unites: "weak" secularity as a place of institutions and mutual recognition between identities - 7. Update note and minimal bibliography
Secularity; religious symbols; public institutions