Nr. 2/2012CLAUDIO MARRAS Expert intervention in matrimonial nullity proceedings
Nr. 2/2012SALVATORE PESCE The concept of ecclesiastical cultural property
Table of contents
1. The offences against the religious confession of Jehovah's Witnesses in the dictum of the Supreme Court - 2. The rationale of the reform regarding offences of opinion: the equal protection under criminal law of all "religious denominations" between the dicta of the Constitutional Court and the 2006 reform - 3. The problematic profiles and the questions still open after the 2006 reform - 4. Is 'specific' criminal protection of the religious factor still appropriate (or rather necessary)?
Penal Cassation, section IV, 16.05.2012, no. 18804; Jehovah's Witnesses; criminal relevance of offences against religions other than Catholic; Law no. 85 of 2006