Nr. 1/2008GAETANO LO CASTRO Comunicazione e conoscenza degli atti amministrativi in diritto canonico
Nr. 1/2008PIERO PELLEGRINO La convalida del matrimonio Canonico
Table of contents
1. Foreword: change, not crisis, of sovereignty - 2. The limits to the circulation of confessional values - 3. The evolution of public order - 4. The "greater availability" towards canonical matrimonial law: the shadows of an (as, and not only) "elliptical" formula - 5. "Greater availability" and safeguarding the "specificity" of the canonical order: two distinct hypotheses - 6. Criticism of the recourse to the concept of concordat public order - 7. The protection of the weaker spouse as a principle of public order - 8. Brief final considerations
Public order; confessional values; canonical order; spouses; enforcement