Nr. 2/2021NICO TONTI The sacrament of penance in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Collective absolution without prior individual confession and the decrees of some Italian diocesan bishops
Nr. 2/2021ANTONIO INGOGLIA The membership of ordinariates for Anglicans after the revision of the Complementary Norms for Apostolic Constitution “Anglicanorum coetibus”
The article presents the professional profile of second-level counsellors, as presented by the 2018 Instruction on the Reform of Canon Law Studies, who can obtain a specific Diploma in Marriage and Family Counselling and are called upon to work within stable diocesan or interdiocesan structures to which the faithful can turn for help, especially pastoral, legal and psychological, in cases where spouses are in difficulty or have separated or divorced and seek help from the Church. These matrimonial and family counsellors are also (not exclusively) intended to clarify whether there are sufficient grounds o bring a nullity case so as not to launch it in a rash manner.
Matrimonial and family counsellors, stable structures, training, mediation, professional profile