Protected: Nr. 2/2023ENTIRE ISSUE
Nr. 2/2023FRANCESCO CATOZZELLA Is it compatible with the ordination of marriage to the bonum coniugum to want a quality directe et principaliter? About a question suggested by a recent Rotal decision.
The paper, as in previous years, offers a thoughtfully put-together collection of the Supreme Court’s rulings on family and children’s law, as well as the protection of people with special assistance needs. Particular attention is paid, specifically, to those decisions that have dealt with questions of principle of particular importance, such as the nature of the «communio de residuo», the juridical status of the minor born abroad through surrogacy and the repeatability of the unlawfully received child support.
The study is divided between substantive and procedural law, and the maxims are enriched by complete reference indications, together with the places where decisions are published
Family; marriage; family property regime; personal separation of spouses; main- tenance allowance; debit; dissolution of marriage; divorce allowance; status of child; adoption; parental responsibility; protection of persons without autonomy; family and taxes