Nr. 2/2023BRIGITTA MARIECLAIRE CATALANO Recensione a Javier Martínez-Torrón – María José Valero-Estarellas y Otros, Objeciones de Conciencia y Vida Humana: el Derecho Fundamental a No Matar, Portal Derecho, S.A. (IUSTEL), Madrid, 2023, pp. 590.
Nr. 2/2023STEFANO TESTA BAPPENHEIM Recensione a Javier Martínez-Torrón – Santiago Cañamares Arribas – Marcos González Sánchez (a cura di), Libertad de expresión y libertad religiosa: una perspectiva transatlántica, Iustel, Madrid, 2023, pp. 233
- Court of Cassation, Third Penal Section, 12 july 2023, n. 23915 (Crimes against the family - Tribunal for the exercise of a right - Relevance of the religious connotations of belonging - Non-existence)
- Court of Cassation, First Penal Section, 14 september 2023, n. 28649
(Marriage – Cohabitation – Necessity as a condition preventing expulsion – Subsistence)
- Court of Cassation, Third Criminal Section, 26 september 2023, n. 31873 (Building crime – Destination of warehouse as a place of worship – Subsistence)
- Court of Cassation, Fifth Criminal Section, 31 october 2023, n. 34912 (Defamation - Publication of a video in which a priest consulted a smartphone during the celebration - Truth of the news - Non-existence)
- Court of Cassation, Fifth Criminal Section, 5 december 2023, n. 38964
(Sharing an ISIS propaganda video on Facebook – Crime apology – Subsistence)