Nr. 2/2023Administrative Jurisprudence and Legislation
Nr. 2/2023Vatican and canonical jurisprudence and legislation
- European Court of Human Rights, Case of Georgian Muslim Relations and others v. Georgia (Application no. 24225/19) 30 novembre 2023 (Discrimination on religious grounds - Freedom of expression of thought - Freedom of religion and freedom of education)
- Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber), OP v Commune d'Ans, Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal du travail de Liège (Reference for a preliminary ruling - Social policy - Directive 2000/78/EC - Establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation - Prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief - Public sector - Terms of employment of a public administration prohibiting the visible wearing of any philosophical or religious sign in the workplace - Islamic headscarf - Requirement of neutrality in contacts with the public, hierarchical superiors and colleagues).
- Constitutional Court, judgment 24 luglio 2023, n. 161 (Medically assisted procreation - Revocation of consent - Protection of custody - Interest of the unborn child)
- Constitutional Court, judgment 28 settembre 2023, n. 183 (Adoption - Relations with the family of origin - Interest of the child)