Nr. 2/2023IGNAZIO BARBETTA Recensione a Antonello De Oto (a cura di), Terrorismo di matrice religiosa, sicurezza e libertà fondamentali, Bologna University Press, Bologna, 2023, pp. 104
Nr. 2/2023IGNAZIO BARBETTA Recensione a Francesca D’Avino (a cura di), Giustizia. Le nuove sfide. L’aiuto arriva dalla mediazione, Curcio, Roma, 2023, pp. 250
VALENTINA SICILIANO, The family, minors and people in need of assistance, in Cassation in 2022
Court of Cassation, First Civil Section, order of 10 July 2023, n. 19502 (Religious freedom, conversion to another religious belief, marriage, marital duties, separation charge)
Court of Cassation, First Civil Section, order of 10 October 2023, n. 28308 (Canonical marriage, defects of consent, nullity, ecclesiastical sentence, deliberation, three- year cohabitation, public order)
Court of Cassation, First Civil Section, order of 20 November 2023, n. 32148 (Canonical marriage, defects of consent, nullity, ecclesiastical sentence, civil efficacy, public order)
Court of Naples, decree 20 October 2023 (Religious freedom, Islam, marriage, denial of publications, authorization from the country of origin authorities, opposition to public order)