Nr. 2/2023STEFANO TESTA BAPPENHEIM Recensione a Javier Martínez-Torrón – Santiago Cañamares Arribas – Marcos González Sánchez (a cura di), Libertad de expresión y libertad religiosa: una perspectiva transatlántica, Iustel, Madrid, 2023, pp. 233
Nr. 2/2023MARIA CRISTINA IVALDI Recensione a Anna Hamling (a cura di), Women on the Pilgrimage to Peace, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2024, pp. 271.
- Presentation
- Veneto Regional Administrative Court, Second Section, decree of 8 July 2023, no. 334
(Destination of a building to worship - Suspension of the order to restore the previous commercial use - Unavailability of the religious space - Damage to the right to religious freedom - Existence of serious and irreparable damage)
- Tuscany Regional Administrative Court, Fourth Section of Florence, judgement of 28 July 2023, no. 792
(Hour of religion - Exemption from the hour of religion - Right to choose even during the school year)
- Council of State, Second Section, judgement of 28 August 2023, no. 8017
(Religious hospitals and public hospital facilities – Not completely assimilable)
- Latium Regional Administrative Court, Fifth Bis Section, judgement of 4 October 2023, no. 14676 (Granting of citizenship - verification of requirements - relevance of attendance at Islamic religious centres - discretion)
- Campania Regional Administrative Court, Third Section of Naples, judgement of 25 October 2023, no. 5817
(Provision of food and drinks - nativity scene art - symbolic and cultural value of the nativity scene)
- Lombardy Regional Administrative Court, Second Section of Brescia, judgement of 14 November 2023, no. 837 (Destination of a building for worship – Change of destination – Prerequisites)
- Council of State, Third Section, judgement of 20 November 2023, no. 9897 (Use of prohibited substances within religious ceremonies – Legitimacy of the ban – Art. 19 Constitution)
annoted by
Renato ROLLI, Mariafrancesca D’AMBROSIO, The “perimeter” of religious freedom and technical discretion. Comment on the State Council No. 9897 of 20 November 2023