Nr. 1/2023Fiscal Jurisprudence and Legislation
Nr. 2/2022Administrative Jurisprudence and Legislation
Canonical and Vatican Jurisprudence and Legislation
- Presentation 397
- Rescriptum ex Audientia SS.mi on the Instruction on the Administration and Management of the financial assets and liquidity of the Holy See and of the Institutions connected with the Holy See (22 August 2022) 398
- Rescriptum ex Audientia SS.mi on the transfer of competence for the pastoral care of tourism (7 September 2022) 399
- Apostolic Letter issued “Motu Proprio” by the Supreme Pontiff Francis instrumental legal persons of the Roman Curia (5 December 2022) 400
- Decree no. DXII of the President of the Governatorate of the Vatican City State by which the Guidelines of the Accompaniment Service referred to in Law No. CCXCVII on the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Persons of 26 March 2019 are promulgated (21 May 2022) 405
- Law no. DXXXI of the Pontifical Commission for the Vatican City State on amendments to the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure (6 September 2022) 413
- Law no. DXXXII of the Pontifical Commission for the Vatican City State on the collection of declarative evidence abroad by audiovisual link (6 September 2022) 427
- Law no. DL of the Pontifical Commission for the Vatican City State on the legal persons of the Vatican City Syaye (5 December 2022) 429