Nr. 2/2008GIUSEPPE LEZIROLI La Carta e la Corte
Nr. 2/2008MARIA TERESA NAPOLI I Re Cattolici e il giuspatronato. Spunti teorico-pratici sui primordi del regalismo spagnolo
Table of contents
1. From parental authority to parental responsibility: the impact of constitutional values and the principle of the child's best interests in the changing educational relationship - 2. Religious education of the child and the need to reconcile the rights and freedoms of the adult-parent and the child-child - 3. Family confessional identity and freedom of choice of the scholastic institution: about the recent ordinance of the United Sections of the Supreme Court of Cassation no. 2656 of 2008 - 4. Psycho-physical maturity of the minor and the sphere of self-determination in religious matters - 5. Family multiculturalism, contrasts between parents and parental conduct prejudicial to the minor: instruments of protection
Parental responsibility; education; minors; educational institution; religious self-determination