Nr. 1/2023ANTONIO MITROTTI Good performance and impartiality of the Administration in the light of the thought of Roberto Bellarmino and Paolo Sarpi
Nr. 1/2023MARIA D’ARIENZO Relations between State and Catholic Church. Reflections starting from the thought of Paolo Sarpi and Roberto Bellarmino
In the lack of a single – officially and well-established – form of cult, in the pre-christian Rome therewere no conditions for an ideological rejection of the magic arts, so they were generally tolerated, when they weren’t deemed harmful for other persons or public concerns. The vaticinatores, as corruptors of public mores, were always banished from the city, and in case of recidivism, forced in vincula or confined in insulam. If anyone had consulted mathematici, hariali, haruspicies or vaticinatores about the emperor’s Life, he would have been punished with death together with the one who had given the response. The XII Tables, by reporting the incantamenta aimed at individual evil wills and by interacting about the key aspects of a still limited society, embodies the interactions on the grounds of beliefs, related to the agricultural-pastoral world: crop, harvest, animals. The decemviral legislation through the Tab. VIII, 8a and the Tab. VIII, 8b, eloquently accounts on the aversion toward magic, when it’s intended as the art to rule the nature’s life spirit, for antisocial purposes.
Magica incantamenta, magical arts, forms of worship in ancient Rome, religio and deviation in Roman Law