Nr. 1/2024International Jurisprudence and Legislation
Nr. 1/2024Canonical and Vatican Jurisprudence and Legislation
- Court of Cassation, Section Tax, ordinance 31 January 2024, no. 2877
(Ires - Diocesan Institute for the Support of the Clergy - relief pursuant to art. 6, first paragraph, letter c) of Presidential Decree n. 601/1973)
- Court of Cassation, Section V, ordinance of 22 April 2024, no. 10832
(IRES - ecclesiastical body - relief pursuant to art. 6, first paragraph, letter c) of Presidential Decree n. 601/1973 - does not apply)
- First Instance Tax Court of Justice of Udine, Section. I, judgement of 13 March 2024, no. 67
(IMU – religious bodies)
- Court of Cassation, Section Tax, ordinance of 8 March 2024, no. 6337
(ICI - ecclesiastical bodies - religious activities - burden of proof - exemption not due)
- Court of Cassation, Section Tax, judgement of 15 May 2024, no. 13415
(Tari - religious buildings - burden of proof - exemption not due)
- Latium Second Instance Tax Court of Justice, section XIV, judgement of 30 April 2024, no. 2895
(Imu - burden of proof - religious and cult activities - exemption not due)
- Latium Second Instance Tax Court of Justice, section XV, judgement of 23 April 2024, no. 2702.
(Tasi - burden of proof - religious and cult activities - exemption due)