Nr. 1/2024Civile Jurisprudence and legislation
Nr. 1/2024Constitutional, EU and ECHR Jurisprudence
- Presentation
- Court of Cassation, Third Penal Section, 11 January 2024, no. 23915
(Crimes against religious sentiment - Disturbance of religious functions of the cult of a religious confession - Relevance of the conduct)
- Court of Cassation, First Penal Section, 7 March 2024, no. 3981
(Freedom of expression - Journalistic criticism - Public speech - Offenses against a religious confession by vilifying people - Aggravating the purpose of discrimination and racial hatred - Hate speech)
- Court of Cassation, Sixth Criminal Section, 16 May 2024, no. 4951
(Mistreatment in the family - Educational-religious purpose - Subjective element - Irrelevance)