Nr. 1/2007ANTONIO GUARINO La Cassazione risuscita l’Invim (e la paga solo la Chiesa cattolica!)
Nr. 1/2007GRZEGORZ J. KACZYNSKI Movimenti religiosi e costruzione della società civile Il caso del Congo (Kinshasa)
Table of contents
Introduction - 1. The expert's report on documents and the issue of the lawfulness of evidence - 2. The expert's report on acts: the problem of its production - 3. The expert's report on the documents in relation to the procedural configuration of the expert - 4. The expert's report on the documents in relation to the specific conversation between judge and expert - 5. The expert's report on the documents and the problem of the evaluation of the expert evidence - 6. The value of the expert's report on the documents in the light of recent case law
Expert opinion; lawfulness; evidence; acts; expert witness