Nr. 1/2013Giurisprudenza e legislazione civile
Nr. 1/2013Giurisprudenza e legislazione internazionale
Table of contents
1. Premise: the strictly juridical profile of the problem - 2. Unwillingness to believe, provision of the consensus vere matrimoniis and validity of the sacramental foedus for baptized non-believers - 3. "Welcome to faith" and "gift of self" - 4. Relevance juridical and probative of the crisis of faith - 5. Conjugal love, mutua duarum personarum donatio, bonum coniugum and unwillingness to believe - 6. Positive exclusion, and "rejection", of the bonum coniugum in the prudens verification and in the investigation for the judicial determination of concrete cases of nullity.
Validity of marriage; crisis of faith; Allocution of Benedict XVI of January 26, 2013