Numero 2/2015GIOVANNI LUCHENA Le esenzioni fiscali alle scuole paritarie e il dibattito sulla clausola costituzionale «senza oneri per lo Stato»
Nr. 2/2015VINCENZO MAIELLO Presentazione a Giurisprudenza e legislazione penale
Table of contents
1. The ICI exemption to private schools before the Court of Cassation - 2. An opportunity to reopen the debate on the interpretation of the constitutional clause "without charges for the State" - 3. "Set up" and "manage" (schools) as an enunciative continuum. The "equivalent scholastic treatment" between schools - 4. The jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court: from the interpretivist to the activist orientation - 5. An open constitutional "problem" - 5.1 (continued): the so-called "school voucher" and the right to free choice - 5.2 (continued): at the roots of the constitutional provision: the intention of the Constituent - 6. Final note
ICI exemption for private equal schools; private schools; denominational schools; school freedom