Nr. 1/2018MARCO CANONICO La normativa che disciplina i rapporti tra lo Stato e l’Istituto Buddista Italiano Soka Gakkai
Nr. 1/2018CATERINA GAGLIARDI Eguaglianza delle libertà e obiezione di coscienza all’aborto
- The new discipline of delicta graviora. Substantive law profiles: new figures of crime (crimes against the Faith and against the ordo sacer) - 2. (Continued) Expansion of criminal cases already provided for: crimes against the sacrament of Penance; sexual abuse committed by clerics to the detriment of minors - 3. (Continued) Child pornography - 4. Profiles of procedural law: prescription - 5. (Continued) Derogability of procedural guarantees and right to the so-called due process - 6. (Continued) Further procedural profiles: adoption of precautionary measures; possibility for the laity to take part in the judgment - 7. Repression of ecclesiastical pedophilia and Church/State collaboration
Delicta graviora and new discipline - Crimes against the faith and against the ordo sacer - substantial and procedural profiles - pedophilia in the ecclesiastical sphere