Nr. 2/2021PAOLO PALUMBO The “canonical” matrimonial and family counsellor. Professional role between conversion of structures and persons
Nr. 2/2021DANIELE FERRARI The Topic of Homosexuality in Some Documents of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1975- 2021)
The regulatory framework of the cost. Ap. Anglicanorum coetibus, has undergone fur- ther evolutions, as a result of the recent version of the Complementary Norms, issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on March 19, 2019. Particularly relevant are the adjustments concerning the composition of personal ordinariates for Anglicans, the scope of which is now greatly expanded, going far beyond the coetus of subjects from Anglicanism. In this regard, the present contribution aims to point out the implications and repercussions on the theoretical and general level of the admission as members of the ordinariate (“membership”) also of Catholic faithful of lay status who have no ties with the Anglican tradition, as well as of persons baptized in the context of other ecclesial denominations which, however, thanks to the pastoral activity and the evangelizing mission of the ordinariate they have rediscovered “their faith” and, once received (“receiving”) formally in its structure, they ask to receive all or only one of the sacraments “of Christian initiation”.
Anglicanorum coetibus, Complementary Norms, Personal Ordinariates for Anglicans, Incorporation of the coetus laicorum