Nr. 1/2022FRANCESCO ZANCHINI DI CASTIGLIONCHIO Piero Amenta, Il sacramento dell’ordine sacro. Evoluzione storico-teologica della disciplina e commento al codice di diritto canonico
Nr. 1/2022International Jurisprudence and Legislation
- Court of Cassation, First Criminal Section, judgment of 15 February 2022, no. 6765 (Marital cohabitation and expulsion of foreigners) 658
- Court of Cassation, Third Criminal Section, judgment of 24 February 2022, no. 7098 (DASPOs and violence in the context of a religious demonstration) 658
- Court of Cassation, First Criminal Section, judgment of 1st March 2022, no. 7140 (L’irrilevanza dal fattore etnico e religioso nei delitti contro la personalità individuale) 659
- Court of Cassation, Third Criminal Section, judgment of 15 June 2022, no. 23764 (The irrelevance of the ethnic and religious factor in crimes against the individual personality) 659
- Court of Cassation, First Criminal Section, judgment of 30 June 2022, no. 24940 (Association for the purpose of terrorism) 660