Nr. 01/202233. DIRITTO E RELIGIONI the entire issue, 33, N. 1/2022
Nr. 1/2021MARIO CATERINI The benignior interpretation in the penal canon law. Historical and compared aspects
Many scholars have immediately placed the encyclical letter of Pope Francis “Fratelli Tutti” dated 2020 in the sphere of interreligious dialogue. This position, however, could be re-evaluated with a literal and diachronic analysis of the text, which could ascribe its content more in a social sphere rather than in a religious dimension, directed towards a notion of full citizenship, ready to constitute a new value and a new declination of the principle of freedom of belief. However, unlike other European countries, in Italy some religious minorities are still discriminated, and this is the case of Islam. The consequences of such an attitude are feared in the Letter, when Pope Francis speaks about the risk of anachronistic conflicts, aggressive nationalisms, selfishness and loss of social meaning. To avert these dangers, and others like islamophobia and radicalisation, the confessional needs of Muslims in Italy should be guaranteed, at least the primary ones, and this also in the name of biblical kinship between monotheisms, which allows for a profitable dialogue on shared values.
Abrahamic religions; Monotheism; Social inclusion; Brotherhood; Non-discrimination; Religious minorities; Freedom of belief.