Nr. 1/2016LUDOVICA DECIMO La tutela giuridica dei luoghi di culto: riflessioni applicative sull’art. 2645-ter c.c.
Nr. 1/2016MARIA CHIARA GIORDA Tabù, astinenza, digiuno: commensalità in assenza di cibo
1. Biolaw and preimplantation genetic diagnosis - 2. The admissibility of preimplantation genetic diagnosis: the reasons for the contrary reasons. The refutation of the three main arguments - 3. First argument: pre-implantation genetic diagnosis as a consequence of the right to informed consent in medical treatments - 4. Second argument: pre-implantation genetic diagnosis as the result of the balance between the right to life of the conceived and that to health of the expectant mother - 5. Third argument: pre-implantation genetic diagnosis as a consequence of the adaptation of the national legal system to the sentences of the ECtHR.