Numero 2/2016GIUSEPPE D’ANGELO La libertà religiosa tra Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’Uomo e ordinamento italiano. Note problematiche nell’ottica del passaggio dai “vecchi” ai “nuovi” diritti
Nr. 2/2016MARIA D’ARIENZO Appartenenza religiosa e reti sociali dei migranti
1. Introduction - 2. Between old and new rights. The persistent topicality of religious freedom - 3. Its innovative potential. Not an easy path - 4. The role of conventional legality. Reality and expectations - 5. Problematic findings in the jurisprudence of the ECtHR on the subject: (a) in relation to the general lines of interpretation. Brief overview - 6. Continued ... (b) in relation to the repercussions on the Italian legal system. reconstructive fragments. Direct effect - 7. In particular, the devaluation of the identity profile of religious freedom in the Sessa case - 7.1 The case in point and the decision - 7.2 The limits of the argumentative path followed by the Court - 8. Indirect effect. In particular, the resistance of national ecclesiastical law in the UAAR case - 9. Arguments for an open conclusion. The European jurisdiction in matters of religious freedom (and secularism) at a crossroads.