Nr. 1/2016PATRICK VALDRINI Manlio Miele (a cura di), Gli insegnamenti del Diritto Canonico e del Diritto Ecclesiastico dopo l’unità d’Italia (Religione e Società. Studi, testi, ricerche di diritto e storia raccolti da Francesco Margiotta Broglio, 37), Bologna, Società Editrice Il Mulino, 2015, pp. 714
Nr. 1/2016GIOVANNI B. VARNIER Quattro secoli di storia di una istituzione religiosa: l’Ordine di San Camillo alla luce dell’indagine archivistica
Table of contents
1. Multiculturalism, minority societies and criminal law - 2. Culturally motivated crimes: between interlegality and cultural defenses - 3. The implications of the religious motive in the commission of the crime. Violence and mistreatment in the family context - 4. Contra legem customs: slavery and begging of minors - 5. Patriarchal conception of the family nucleus. Subordination of women and sexual violence - 6. The legitimacy of intercultural practices: mutilations, circumcisions and scarifications - 7. Religious clothing, safety and public order - 8. Intercultural translation as governance of differences and resolution of normative conflicts also at headquarters criminal
The article analyzes the repercussions in the penal sphere of some behaviors deriving from the new plural structure of Western society
Plural Societies; criminal factor; culturally oriented crimes; governance of differences