Nr. 1/2009ALESSANDRO CORI M. P. Leziroli, D’autore: il diritto più antico, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2008, pp. 141
Nr. 1/2009GIUSEPPE D’ANGELO Il pluralismo religioso e confessionale: la difficile ricerca di un modello interpretativo convincente
Table of contents
Foreword - 1. Evolution of the concept of health and self-determination - 2. Procreation: right to health or right to personhood? - Role of the "family principle": Paths of jurisprudence and legislation - 4. Emerging family models - 5. "Family principle" and personal identity - 6. "Sexual identity" and "Gender identity" - 7. Sexuality and corporeality: a philosophical-legal problem
Gender studies; gender identity; self-determination; reproduction; family patterns; health