Nr. 02/201928. DIRITTO E RELIGIONI the entire issue, 28, N. 1/2020
Nr. 2/2014DOMENICO BILOTTI Mario Tedeschi, Impegno civile, Collana “Diritto e Religioni”, Luigi Pellegrini Editore, Cosenza, 2014, pp. 5-406
1. The Apostolic Legacy in the context of Sicilian ecclesiastical institutions - 2. Jurisdictional conflicts and consolidation of the Royal Monarchy in the 16th century. Antonio Scibecca's «Tractatus de Regia Monarchia» in the context of a European debate - 3. Baldassarre Abruzzo's «Tractatus de nonnullis Regiae Monarchiae ultra Pharum preheminentiis» and the problems emerging from the bubble «In coena Domini». Notes on a European debate - 4. The Royal Monarchy in the context of ecclesiastical immunities. Themes theological-juridical themes in Antonino Diana's «Resolutiones morales». The reaction of a jurist: Mario Cutelli - 5. The «Liparitan controversy» (1711-1728). From Sicily to France: from Giovan Battista Caruso to Louis-Ellies Du Pin, to conclude with Voltaire - 6. Conclusions.