Nr. 2/2008FRANCESCO PAOLO CASAVOLA Postfazione a La libertà delle minoranze religiose nel diritto ecclesiastico italiano. Tesi di laurea di Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, relatore prof. C. Jannaccone, Università di Pisa, Anno accademico 1945/46
Nr. 2/2008CLAUDIA CIOTOLA Paolo Di Marzio, Il matrimonio concordatario e gli altri matrimoni religiosi con effetti civili, Cedam, Padova, 2008, pp. 374.
Table of contents
1. The connections between health and "salvation" in the religious perspective - 2. The right to health in the Italian Constitution - 2.1. Article 32 paragraph 1 of the Constitution - 2.2 Article 32 paragraph 2 of the Constitution - 2.3 Respect for the human person - 3. The possible contents of the right to health - 4. Self-determination and informed consent - 5. Health choices as an expression of the right to religious freedom - 6. Refusal of medical treatment on religious grounds - 6.1. Compulsory health treatment - 6.2. The refusal of compulsory health treatment on religious grounds - 6.3. The refusal of "voluntary" health treatment on religious grounds: the "emblematic case" of the refusal of blood transfusions by Jehovah's Witnesses - 7. Possible requests for health treatment on religious grounds - 8. Concluding remarks
Public health; health; compulsory health treatment; Jehovah's Witnesses; informed consent; blood transfusions