Nr. 1/2016DANIELA TARANTINO Il sigillum confessionis: dalla tutela dell’intimità alla realizzazione della metanoia
Nr. 1/2016DANIELA TARDITI I Baccanali del 186 a.C.: la diffusione del culto e la sua repressione
Table of contents
1. Religious instruction in public schools in the light of constitutional principles: irc and other possible confessional teachings – 2. Islam and public schools: the controversial case of the Islamic religion class within the national education system and the fear of possible areas of conflict – 3. The thorn in the side of the alternative activity to the religion class – 4. The most recent proposals for the reform of the confessional element in the school: towards a desired time of religions? – 5. Final evaluations
The article delves into the theme of religious education in Italian public schools, analyzing the problem of religious instruction and the lack of discipline for alternative activities
Teaching of the Catholic religion; public school; constitutional principles and religious education; Islam; alternative activities