Nr. 1/2018DANIELE EDIGATI Principio Nullus invitis detur episcopus, politiche giurisdizionaliste e diritto di resistenza nei confronti della Santa Sede. Il caso della nomina dell’arcivescovo Tommaso Cervioni a Lucca (1729-1731)
Nr. 1/2018LUCIA DIANDA Legami d’amore e tradizione. Analogie e differenze tra matrimonio e unioni civili
1. The contrast between secular morality and Catholic morality on the subject of the end of life - 2. The natural foundation of canon law and the unavailability of its contents - 3. The Christian conception of life - 4. The precept not to kill - 5. Euthanasia as a violation of the prohibition of killing - 6. The position of the Catholic Church regarding aggressive treatment - 7. The indications of the ecclesiastical magisterium regarding palliative care - 8. The applicability of the principles on the subject of euthanasia to living will perspective.