Nr. 1/2016ANDREA BETTETINI Gruppi sociali, confessioni religiose, intese: sulla giustiziabilità di una pretesa all’avvio delle trattative preordinate alla conclusione di un’intesa ex art. 8, terzo comma, Cost.
Nr. 1/2016SALVATORE BORDONALI Famiglia e matrimonio: alcune riflessioni prendendo spunto da F. Finocchiaro
1. An intuition shared in studies and confirmed in the facts: the relevance of religious orders in the interaction between cultures - 2. The advent of the Internet in the intergenerational transmission of Knowledge and the risk of counterfeiting religious convictions - 3. Relativization of morality and religious absolutism - 4. The new forms of cultural prevention. A "penal law of the enemy" for the "liquid company"? - 5. Some concluding remarks: the lack of a systematic perspective.