Nr. 2/2010LUIGI NOTARO La “mediazione familiare” nella dinamica dei “diritti sociali” e come tutela dei soggetti deboli
Nr. 2/2010STEFANO TESTA BAPPENHEIM Epifania storica delle particolari ipotesi del can. 517 CIC
- Scope of application of the legislation; the civilly recognized ecclesiastical body - 2. Religious confessions signatories of pacts, agreements and understandings - 3. The activity of religion or worship as a constitutive activity of a body and the civil recognition of religious bodies - 4. Ecclesiastical bodies as companies "partial" social; the exercise of a secondary activity of a "commercial" type - 5. Legal regime of the social enterprise branch of an ecclesiastical institution: overview of the differences with the general regulation envisaged for social enterprises - 6. Explicit exclusions: a) Modalities of simplified constitution; the deed of incorporation replaced by the filing of the regulation - b) Financial liability of the entity with a social enterprise branch - c) Lack of indication of the qualification "social enterprise" - d) Transfer of assets, a significant derogation from the common discipline - and ) Limits for the presence of voluntary working members - f) Compulsory administrative liquidation - 7. Implicit exclusions: a) Management and control of the social enterprise - b) Explicit derogation from the rules of electivity of corporate offices - c) Admission and exclusion of members - d) Appointment of statutory auditors and auditors - e) Right to information, consultation, participation of workers - 8. The rules applied only to the "social enterprise" business branch: a) Participation of disabled workers - b) Limit of the calculation of amount of revenues from the main activity - c) Accounting-keeping obligations - d) Limits of application of extraordinary operations: transformation, merger and demerger; the sale of the company - 9. Conclusions
Ecclesiastical entities - discipline of social enterprise - third sector -