Nr. 2/2013FRANCESCO ZANCHINI DI CASTIGLIONCHIO Between rule of recognition and natural law. Criminal Vatican reforms in summer 2013
Nr. 1/2017VALENTINA BARELA Reflections on the best interests of the child, from the right of unification of status to the right of self-determination in religious choice: a supranational requirement
Table of contents
1. Foreword - 2. The Council Decree Presbyterorum Ordinis and the call for the proper use of temporal goods - 3. The will of clerics and religious in the norms of the Codex iuris canonici - 3.1 The use of goods managed by clerics in pursuit of the purposes of the Church: the indications of the Codex iuris canonici - 3.2 The obligation of the religious to draw up a valid will: can. 668 C.i.c. - The exhortations to the drafting of a will contained in the 2004 Directory for the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops and the 2005 CEI Instruction on Administrative Matters - 5. The limits to the testamentary freedom of clerics as a means of protecting the patrimonial integrity of the Church - 5.1 The reasons for the provision of a special duty to draft a will in the norms of particular law - 5.2 The peculiar forms of drafting and depositing a will and their impact on the effective testamentary freedom of the cleric
Temporal possessions; ecclesiastical; testamentary freedom; patrimonial integrity of the Church