Nr. 2/2011ALDO MAZZACANE HAROLD J. BERMAN, Diritto e rivoluzione, II. L’impatto delle riforme protestanti sulla tradizione giuridica occidentale, trad. it e Presentazione di D. Quaglioni, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2010, pp. XXIII, 691.
Nr. 2/2022PATRICK VALDRINI Carmen Peña García, Mariage et causes de nullité dans le droit de l’Église. Traduit de l’espagnol par José Luis Domingo e Mélina Douchy-Oudot, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2021, pp. 499
- The initiation of the infringement procedure against Italy for the ICI exemption granted to ecclesiastical entities - 2. Anti-competitive aspects of the Italian tax legislation - 3. Regulatory interventions regarding the ICI exemption. The problematic interpretation of the concept of "not exclusively commercial" activity - 4. The ICI exemption in favor of ecclesiastical bodies and its compatibility with the Community prohibition of State aid - 5. The jurisprudential interpretation of the ICI legislation - 6 Concluding Thoughts
Ecclesiastical entities - ICI exemption - Italian tax legislation - prohibition of state aid