Nr. 2/2019FABIO BALSAMO Autorizzazione alle liti ex can. 1288 C.i.c. e tutela del diritto di difesa costituzionalmente garantito dall’art. 24 Cost.
Nr. 2/2019MARCO CANONICO Nullità matrimoniale canonica e contestata prolungata convivenza coniugale
In the evaluation of the elements required for the dissolution of municipal councils due to mafia infiltration, the administration enjoys wide discretion. The contribution intends to highlight the relevance that can be recognized to the penetration of the gangs within the ecclesial bodies for the purpose of applying art. 143 T.U.E.L., with particular regard to the cases of financing of votive chapels by the clans and the participation of criminals in religious rites.
Mafia infiltration, art. 143 T.U.E.L., dissolution of municipal councils