Nr. 1/2013PAOLA B. HELZEL Secularism and relativism: pillars of pluralistic society
Nr. 1/2013GIOVANNI TURCO The Lamennais affair and the debate on religious freedom: a paradigmatic case
Table of contents
1. The constitutional regulation of the religious phenomenon at the test of conscience clause and the obligation of negotiation – 2. Conscience clause between extensive "outgoing" interpretation (Italian Supreme Court, Criminal Division, no. 14979/2013)... - 3. ...restrictive "incoming" interpretation (TAR Puglia, no. 3477/2010) - 4. ...and cross-cutting orientation (Tribunal of Spoleto no. 60/2012). That is, what limits to the judge's objection? - 5. First conclusive considerations
The paper shows the difficult balance between the juridical position of woman who wants to interrupt the pregnancy and the conscience clause of healthcare staff
Voluntary interruption of pregnancy; healthcare staff