Nr. 2/2014JOHN GUY L’establishment elisabettiano e l’ordinamento ecclesiastico
Numero 2/2014ANTONIO GUARINO Recensione a Gianfranco Macrì, Marco Parisi, Valerio Tozzi, Diritto civile e religioni, Roma- Bari, Editori Laterza, 2013, pp. 308.
The paper examines the role of religious traditions in relation to personal relationships, focusing the attention on some rules regulating the institutions of marriage and family. In order to emphasize similarities and differences in this field, the Author does a comparative study between the Italian legal system and the system of some Muslim-majority Countries, namely Morocco. The Author also focuses the attention on the Talaq that, as it is well known, refers to a unilateral form of dissolution of Islamic marriage, through which husband can repudiate wife. In this sense, The Author wonders if this religion-inspired instrument could be legally accepted in a Western legal system. In doing so, she investigates Italy’s recent case laws.
Divorce, talaq