NEWSFRANCE Official Olympic poster with les Invalides deprived of the cross (Stefano Testa Bappenheim)
NEWSITALY Ramadhan: fasting of minors at school, religious needs and educational freedom (Vasco Fronzoni)
The article, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Villa Madama Revision Agreement, intends to retrace how the development of the Christian principle of sana cooperatio in relations between the State and the Catholic Church, has found in the concordat instrument the most relevant and now consolidated expression, capable of adapting to evolutions and changes. It has materialized in Italy, in a system of "integrated" bilaterality, open also to different application instruments, truly responding to the spirit and letter of Art. 1 of the Villa Madama Agreement and to constitutional legality.
sana cooperatio, bilaterality, religious freedom, Villa Madama Agreement