Nr.1/2009RAFFAELE SANTORO Faustino de Gregorio, Osservazioni su alcuni temi di storia e diritto ecclesiastico. Contributi per una riflessione, Torino Giappichelli, 2008, pp. 137
Nr. 1/2009GIULIANA SCHIANO Roberta Santoro, Appartenenza confessionale e diritti di cittadinanza nell’Unione Europea, Cacucci Editore, Bari, 2008, pp. 125
The contribution, ten years after the approval of the agreement with the Italian Buddhist Union, dwells on the problematic nature of the use of the concept of ‘minister of worship’ to designate monks and lay people entrusted with the transmission of Buddhist doctrine and the exercise of Buddhist worship, and underlines the coherence of the decision not to include marriage among the matters covered by the agreement.
Italian Buddhist Union, Buddhist agreements, Buddhism, Buddhist ministers of worship, marriage in Buddhism